What We Value
*Passionate Spirituality – We are passionate about God, His Word, Prayer and living our lives in a way that honors Him by placing God at the center of all we do. Our goal is to allow God to shape us by humbly submitting ourselves to Him; wholly.
*Loving Relationships – We are committed to accepting people, regardless of circumstances, and developing relationships that enable and empower each person to grow in their relationship with God, and with each other.
*Inspiring Worship – We are committed to giving God the glory. We do that by honoring Him in a worship setting that allows for God’s communication with us, by his Spirit and by His Word, and by responding to God, with authentic praise.
*Empowering Leadership – We strive to develop new leaders, encourage current leaders and be the best leaders we can be. We value authenticity. We encourage and allow leaders to lead, according to their God-given gifts and passions.
*Gift-Oriented Ministry – The Holy Spirit gifts every follower with abilities and passions that we should employ to accomplish our purpose on earth. The Church should encourage and allow every member to be both fruitful and fulfilled.
*Holistic Small Groups – People are created to live together in relationships that provide care, encouragement, accountability, and spiritual growth. We strive to provide classes and groups as a place for people to grow, share, and heal.
*Need-Oriented Evangelism – We strive to meet people’s needs; allowing them to see the gospel in action; and touching them with the good news Jesus Christ. We serve people with gladness, acceptance, and love them into the Kingdom of God.
*Functional Structures – Leadership puts into place structures and systems, that encourage, develop, and facilitate the ministries which help us accomplish our vision and purpose. We strive for both responsibility and risk-tasking in ministry